2.0提圖斯·維里沃,米密·羅杰斯,麥迪遜·林茨,Stephen A. Chang,Denise G. Sanchez,David Moses,菲爾·莫里斯,Steven Flynn,亞歷克斯·洛那茲,邁克爾·羅斯,安德魯·博爾巴,凱特·伯頓,Konstantin Melikhov,馬克·羅斯頓,Bogdan Yasinski,威廉姆·德瓦內(nèi),雨果·阿姆斯特朗,Kandiss Edmundson,馬庫斯·吉亞馬蒂,倫·科爾多瓦,阿蘭·羅森伯格,阿爾瑪·馬丁內(nèi)斯,保羅?希普,利亞姆·詹姆斯·拉莫斯,特麗·霍約斯,
8.0崔凡特·羅茲,凱瑞·西蒙斯,哈威·凱特爾,卡萊·布朗,Scott MacDonald,Suzette Lange,Nathalie J. Alarcon,Elisha Davis,Ethan Dubin,Erica Rowell Green,B.J. Minor,Kenneth Trujillo,Li Eubanks,Jackie Sanders,Lawrence J. Hughes,勞拉·哈里爾,格蕾絲·扎布里斯基,羅素·霍恩斯比,奧妮克·阿德莉,薩默·馬迪森,柯莉·坎帕尼,KateLynn E. Ne
4.5 wow this is so much better than S1. Turns out if you do the opposite of S1, not pre-determined to do simpleton allegory, not write ridiculous cardboard cutout characters but complex, nuanced ones, not let characters say every single thought out loud, not overuse the same non-diegetic music to cover up your lack of tension or comedic effect, you make a pretty damn good tv show!