尼諾·曼弗雷迪,?,敗づ鍍壤麃?何塞·伊斯貝爾特,何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯,安赫爾·阿爾瓦雷斯,圭多·阿爾貝蒂,胡利婭·卡瓦·阿爾瓦,瑪麗亞·路易莎·龐特,瑪麗亞·伊斯韋特,埃拉斯莫·帕斯夸爾,Xan das Bolas,何塞·奧哈斯,何塞·馬里亞·普拉達,費利克斯·費爾南德斯,安東尼奧·費蘭迪斯
4.0Brian Allendorfer,Bobby Speed Baldock,Bryon Beck,Lance Benson,Ralph Bertelle,Laura Bogan,Jason Bortz,Eastside Camera,Mike Campbell,Capt. Ret Russ Coons,Kevin Cronin,Capt. Jason Denny,Capt. Ret George Dom,George Dom,Doug Dumas,Capt. Brian Ferguson,Donna Fl
Amazingly camera shot and nice atomsphere as a sucessful chief. I hate that thing with singular authensity. If you look at successful people, you will find the simialr approach, at first, they immitate the ones they admire, and then, they formed their own styles.